How to cancel your monthly Subscription

Hey there,

We totally get it - whether it's a change of heart or your wallet's feeling a bit under the weather, we've all been there. So, if you're ready to part ways with us (sniff), here's the breakup process:

  1. Take a deep breath. It's not you, it's...well, sometimes it's you, but we understand!

  2. Follow these steps to gracefully unsubscribe from your subscription. Think of it as a trial separation.

  3. And hey, if you've got a sec, spill the beans! We'd love to know why you're making a break for it. It's not you, it's... okay, it might be a little bit us. But we're cool, we can take it.

Spill the beans

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Step 1

  1. Enter the URL any search engine.

  2. Click on Sign In.

Sign in to

Step 2

  1. Enter the email address you used to register the subscription with.

  2. Click on Continue

Step 3

  1. Enter the password you used during initial registration.

  2. Click on Sign In; or

  3. Click on Email me a Sign in Link. Go to your email program and click on the link and follow the prompts

Sign in to

Step 4

You will receive a notice that "We've emailed you a sign in link"

  1. Click on the link in the email to login in to your account

Step 5

Open your email program and find the email that says "Sign in Link for Flavourbomb"

  1. Click either on "Sign in to Your Account; or

  2. Copy you cam also copy and paste the URL in a web browser

Step 6

You are in the Subscription management page

  1. Click on Edit to manage your subscription 

Step 7

You are viewing the account details page.

Your delivery method is set to Monthly.

  1. You can proceed by Clicking on the Cancel Subscription button.

Step 8

You will receive a message "Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription"

  1. Click on Cancel Subscription

Step 9

You will be returned to the account management page.

  1. Click on the Sign Out button.

  2. Alternatively, you can click on Buy Again if you accidentally unsubscribe


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